Black German Shepherds are coveted by many, and for a good reason

Black German Shepherds are coveted by many, and for a good reason

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Are Black German Shepherds a Different Breed?

No, black German Shepherds are still purebred German Shepherds and not a different breed. For this reason, the American Kennel Club recognizes them under the German Shepherd breed.

Because they are not a different breed, black German Shepherds are largely the same dog as regular German Shepherds aside from their color. Therefore, they share the same mannerisms and characteristics.

Where do Black German Shepherds Come From?

Without much surprise, black German Shepherds comes from Germany, much like the rest of the breed. The breed originated there in the 19th century as working dogs herding sheep. They have come a long way since then to become the stunning dogs we now know.

Do Black German Shepherds Shed Less?

Just like the rest of the breed, black German Shepherds do shed. They have a double coat which means you can expect moderate shedding most of the time, and two “blowouts” consisting of lots of lost fur the rest of the year. To learn more about German Shepherd shedding habits, and much more, refer to our blog post Everything You Need to Know About German Shepherds.

Are Black German Shepherds Rare?

Black German Shepherds are rare in comparison to the rest of the German Shepherd breed. This is why they tend to cost more.

How Big do Black German Shepherds Get?

Black German Shepherds are just like normal German Shepherds, just black. For this reason, black German Shepherds can get just as big or just as small as any other Shepherd.

As explained in our blog post Everything You Need to Know About German Shepherds, many factors can contribute to the size and weight of a Shepherd. Luckily you can usually get a rough idea of how large a puppy will be while he is still little and work with a breeder to find one who will suit you.